Monday 6 October 2014

Online safety

Staying safe online:

  • Never talk to anyone you don't know
  • Keep your accounts on private
  • Don't share things like your age or address
  • Only post things you want everyone to see
  • Don't give anyone a reason to be able to cyber bully you
  • If you're getting cyber bullied report it on a web site or tell an adult like your parent.
  • For your password: use letters, numbers and signs. 
  • If you wouldn't say something to people while you're with them don't say it in a message.
  • Never tell anyone your password.
  • Don't meet with anyone you first met on the internet with out another person such as your parents

1 comment:

  1. Very nice poster, Aadam. Good, direct information. Think about adding some colour and more pictures.
