Monday, 23 February 2015

Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence has been talked about for many years, and has been incorporated in many movies such as Transformers, where the actual transformers are a form of artificial intelligence because they are able to have emotions and think for themselves.

The definition of artificial intelligence is 
  1. the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. (Wikipedia)

Robots can be useful because they will carry out actions without response and without question, they also have no limits, they are as strong as the creater makes them. Robots have no limits themselves, they are as good as the creater and therefore they can be programmed to do anything, including going into dangerous environments for humans, such as radiation zones. Robots were used in the Japanese tsunami disaster to asses the damages of the radiation leaks.

However, robots can also be very dangerous, as well as carrying out any useful commands out with out question, it will also do any bad act without question, as they cannot discriminate between the two.

I believe that right no robots pose no threat to humans and society, because they have not been programmed to act on their on behalf, but are controlled by people, i believe they pose the same or even less then any weapon in the world. 
However, one day  progrmmes might be programmed to learn to learn, and self evaluate and self asses, at this point i believe that they will become a threat to humanity, as it will have access to all the information on the internet to use. Also, leading scientist Stephan hawking has said that artificial intelligence will pose a threat to humanity. 
You can see what he says at the link: 


Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Using binary code and simple python commands

What is Binary code?

Binary code is the language that computers are coded in. Like humans count in units, tens, thousands and so on, in multiples of 10, binary code is written multiples of 2. The numbers we use are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and so on doubling the previous number. We represent theses numbers as 0s and 1s. 

We use 1s and 0s because in the circuitry of a computer, there are switces, the one means that the computer turns on that switch and the 0 mean it is off. 
As we can see in the picture, it shows the column as well as some of the simple numbers.
Some other examples are:
00011= 3
10001= 17
It is important that we understand binary, as we can only fully use the full potential of computers if we can use binary, because computers are coded in binary.


In python, we use various symbols for every day signs like divide multiply, add, subtract.
we use / for an accurate divide, and // if we just want the whole number.
We can also use % to get the remainder of a certain calculation. for example:
19/5= 3.8
because when you divide 19 by 5, 5 goes into it exactly 3 times, and then there is 4 left over( the remainder)
For multiply we use *, for addition we use+ and for subtraction we use -.

Fibonacci sequences

In nature, a very common pattern is the fibonacci sequence, where you add the 2 previous terms to get the next term. so it starts with 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 and so on. 
Here are some intresting examples:

Using Python programming


Python is a programming engine, which is used by many companies, including companies as big as google, yahoo, NASA and nokia. This programme uses the binary system, which i will talk about in the next blog.